HVAC Insulation
Versi-Foam is the right choice for HVAC insulation. If you want to reduce movement, reduce moisture, and uphold the integrity of the building envelope, expanding polyurethane foam is an excellent way to seal HVAC penetrations in the walls, ceiling, and floors of a structure.
There is an extensive report published on the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance website titled, “Proper Design of HVAC Systems for Spray Foam Homes”. In it, author Doug Garrett says, “The home building industry has made significant strides in improving energy efficiency with higher R-values, improved windows and improved air tightness in both the envelope and the ducts. As a result, the sensible cooling and heating loads on a home are significantly less than when the rules of thumb were developed. SPF takes energy efficiency to the next level by allowing ducts and equipment in conditioned space and greatly reducing air infiltration. Given that air infiltration and duct leakage often contribute 40 percent or more of the heating and cooling load, SPF homes have greatly reduced sensible heating and cooling loads.”
Versi-Foam® disposable foam kits provide the perfect method to insulate the heating, ventilation, and cooling system of your building. The self-contained, compact packages enable the user to take the foam sealant into the area without concern over power or pressure accessibility.
Where allowed, foam can be sprayed onto duct work to maintain temperature, eliminate condensation and reduce vibration. Even the most expertly designed duct system will experience heat loss if it’s not properly insulated.
Choose Class I (flame retarded formula) in applications where flammability is a concern.
Contact us if you would like to discuss your specific HVAC application. There are many other applications for Versi-Foam. We have distributors of our spray foam products in many areas. Call us to find one in your area. Insulation is our business.
Read more about the versatility of Versi-Foam and its many applications for individuals and businesses: